1 | Land Of Sea Mammal (13:49) | |
2 | Sea Breeze (14:44) | |
3 | Voices From The Sea (18:49) | |
4 | Destructive Funeral (11:18) |
I love this brutal tribute album. Merzbow aka Masami Akita begins his liner notes thus: "Minazo, an elephant seal, died at 17:15 pm on October 4, 2005. He was 11 years old, still young for an elephant seal whose life expectancy is 20 years on average. Whatever the cause of death, I feel sadness and anger each time I hear about animals dying in captivity far away from their natural habitat." Sadness and Anger, you see, inspired this album. Merzbow sets about his layered, textured aural assault to inflict pain on the listener, to show the mad, uncontrollable rage of the over-abused sea-life in our world today.
"Land Of Sea Mammal" hurls looping bass with supercharged high frequency squeals across the land. It stutters crazily, moans maniacally, and genius of geniuses, sounds like a very sick Minazo. The breeze on "Sea Breeze" is a torrential sleet of slicing noise advancing inland to wreck havoc on earth. Get your kids far away from "Voices From The Sea". Commencing with odd bits and pieces clanking, it explodes into a wailing frenzy of demonic voices admist a lo-fi drilling bassline. The voices are inhuman; they are electronics mimicking the desperate cries of very sick or angry creatures. You pick whichever scares you more. In the closing "Destructive Funeral", alarms and sirens shriek with all their might against an impenetrable, claustrophobic wall of electronic noise, as a final tribute - a death seal, if you like - to the demise of Minazo.
Even if your listening faculties are no longer intact after the 4 tracks, Merzbow's message is still pretty clear: Torture the animals, and they'll torture you someday.
- discogs Userreview (by FLuViRuS)
- Brainwashed Review
Rapidshare.com [1], Mediafire.com [1]
Mp3@xxxkbps, 82mb
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