
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Switching Rethorics (Split with Shora), 2002

Split between Merzbow and the Swiss band Shora.

1 Merzbow T 2000
2 Shora Erode / Implode
3 Shora Discussing Watercolor Techniques
4 Merzbow Black Cat
5 Shora Conciliated Coercion
6 Merzbow Vanlla Groon
7 Shora To Further Confines
While Merzbow was probably the name that brought this split CD release to your attention, you're unlikely to forget Shora any time soon! There's enough of an eccentric dynamic between the two bands to satisfy your taste for variety, but more importantly, Switching Rethorics packs one hell of a solid punch.
- Read the rest of the review over at splendid mag

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